Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Psychology : It's all in your mind !

Have you ever wondered why do you do what you want to do ? Why do you like or hate somebody ? Why you feel happy sometimes and why you get upset ? At times when you are really broke inside but why you keep on living, have you ever thought why? Well ! "the questions & their answers" all are inside your mind . It is all because of Psychology. 
A lot of people thinks psychology is a clinical thing . When they hear about psychology ,the 1st thing comes up to their mind is clinical or medical related psychology . People often mix psychology with psychiatrist. But it's a two different thing . Psychology is a  social-science interested is all behaviors and all mental processes . Unlike psychology, psychiatrist is a medical field interested in all abnormal behaviors and their treatment. In 1879, Wilhelm Wundlt opened the first psychology lab . It hasn't been a very long time since people have started knowing about psychological stuffs. The main reason why i feel the need to know more about psychology is, because  it tells me how my brain actually works . It answers all of my questions like why i feel like to do anything what i want to do . Besides I often wondered why people are thinking differently ? is it possible for people to read minds ? When i saw Twilight movie , i wanted to become a vampire like Edward Collin who could read peoples mind .Damn it, I envy him . Whatever ,it is the other reason about why i am interested in psychology . No , i am not saying if you read  psychology you can become a vampire one day , probably not ! but if you read or know about psychology than you can get a idea about what the other person is thinking from analyzing their body language or behavior . Well it is not the same as reading peoples mind but its little bit of close to it ! Here are some interesting facts about psychology that might be useful for you :

  1. In psychology, a believer is someone who accepts something before checking it out scientifically whereas the skeptic is someone who does not accept something until it has been verified scientifically . most psychologists are skeptics.
  2. Psychologists now study concepts earlier thought impossible to study such as morality,love and human belief systems.
  3. Psychologists,like all scientists,understand that there is no such thing as final proven knowledge in science.knowledge is always susceptible to change,some knowledge changes frequently,other knowledge changes minimally.
  4. Women are twice more talkative than men! it has been estimated that on average ,men speak 12,500 words and women speak about 25,500 words in a day .
  5. Men, on average think about sex every 7 seconds.
  6. The female brain is much more adept at reading subtle facial and verbal emotional expressions. some women say that only when men see actual tears they realize that something is wrong. this is why women have to cry four times more than man do, to signal distress.
  7. Not everybody who hears voices is mentally ill.
  8. Take any mention of suicide seriously.if someone you know is threatening to commit suicide ,get help right away.
  9. Terminal or late insomnia is early morning awakening. this type of insomnia is often a characteristic of clinical depression.
  10. The best thing you can do for someone with depression is to help him or her get treatment.
  11. The cause of autism is not known. autism lasts throughout a person's lifetime.there is no cure but treatment can help.
  12. The incidence of head injury in U.S is 300 per 100,000 per year,or 0.3% of the population,with a mortality of 25 per 100,000. 
Psychology actually is a science interested in human behavior ,mental processes such as learning , memory ,thinking and attention . It is the wonderful world inside your mind ,Try discovering it ;) 
Oh and whatever you do don't forget to Stay Happy !